Welcome to the home of the SUPERGEN Wind Hub online.
In 2014 The Supergen activities in Wind Energy were successfully renewed as part of Phase 3 Hub funding from RCUK. The Supergen Hub takes a leadership role in bringing together the underpinning research efforts in Wind Energy in the UK and linking them more strongly to the development research being supported by other funding organisations.
The SUPERGEN Wind Hub currently includes the Universities of Strathclyde, Durham, Loughborough, Cranfield, Manchester, Oxford, Surrey, Bristol, Imperial and Dundee alongside STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DNV GL and the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. The Hub is funded for five years to 2019.
The aim of the Hub is to continue to develop the important academic, industrial and policy linkages that were established during the earlier phases of the SUPERGEN Wind programme (2006-2014), and to lead the technology strategy for driving forward UK wind energy research and for exploiting the research outcomes. Details of our earlier phase activities are available here.
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Wind, solar, storage and back-up system designer
6 years ago
Re: WindEurope`
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General Assembly November 2018
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